Online Video Industry

The online video industry is an ever-growing ecosystem of technology, service, and platform vendors that run the gamut from traditional broadcast incumbents to disruptive startups.

Here you'll find Streaming Media's coverage of the solutions providers that are enabling the online video revolution.


Practical Approaches to Sustainable Streaming

In this article I'll expand on prior sustainability approaches, detail reasons to consider additional areas of power-consumption optimisation, and invite diverse stakeholders across streaming workflows to engage with Streaming Media magazine, GoS, and like-minded stakeholders in a mid- to late-2023 initiative around the LESS Accord, with an overall goal of readers recommending measurable best practices for consideration by September 2023.

Streamticker: The Biggest Streaming Media Mergers & Acquisitions of 2022

A look at the streaming industry's most notable mergers and acquisitions of 2022, from WarnerBros-Discovery to Microsoft/Activision to Limelight/Edgecast to Dolby/Millicast to Telestream/ and more

The 2023 Streaming Media Europe 51

Our annual list of the most cutting-edge, influential, and dynamic technology companies in the European online video market.

Pros and Cons of On-Prem, Cloud, and Hybrid Workflows

Where you host your workflows can make all of the difference. Experts from Signiant, Warner Bros., TV 2, and CNN break down the pros and cons of on-prem, cloud, and hybrid.

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Live Streaming Interactive Content: A New Landscape

Despite the comeback of in-person events in 2022, online audience engagement remains important with a steady demand for interactivity in live streaming.

Interview with Philip Radley-Smith, CEO i2i Media

Interview with Andrey Okunev, CEO Medialooks

Interview with Oliver Lietz, CEO & Founder, Nanocosmos

Online Video Industry Companies and Suppliers