Content Delivery Networks/CDN

Content delivery networks are evolving, moving toward decentralized and edge computing models, and content owners need to be aware of the content delivery trends and strategies that will help them get their content from origin to the last mile. Here you’ll find up-to-the-minute reports on CDN news and trends, as well as analysis of where the CDN market is headed.


Streaming Media’s Trendsetting Products and Services of 2023

A detailed guide to Streaming Media's Trendsetting Products and Services of 2023.

Practical Approaches to Sustainable Streaming

In this article I'll expand on prior sustainability approaches, detail reasons to consider additional areas of power-consumption optimisation, and invite diverse stakeholders across streaming workflows to engage with Streaming Media magazine, GoS, and like-minded stakeholders in a mid- to late-2023 initiative around the LESS Accord, with an overall goal of readers recommending measurable best practices for consideration by September 2023.

Scale Matters: How to Deliver Five-Nines Streams to Global Live Audiences

Any streaming workflow is only as strong as its weakest (or least-tested) link. The more massive the stream, unfortunately, the larg­er the opportunity and the smaller the margin for error. So, what do the experts say about the architectural demands and challenges of main­taining five-nines uptime and broadcast quality when the stakes are too high to let either suf­fer? And what solutions do they recommend?

Streamticker: The Biggest Streaming Media Mergers & Acquisitions of 2022

A look at the streaming industry's most notable mergers and acquisitions of 2022, from WarnerBros-Discovery to Microsoft/Activision to Limelight/Edgecast to Dolby/Millicast to Telestream/ and more

Sponsored Articles

HESP: Sub-second Latency, Fast Channel Change and Improved ABR over Standard CDNs

Deutsche Telekom Creates Tools for New Online Video Challenges

To respond to the needs of its enterprise and media customers, Deutsche Telekom looks far into the future.

Coraid Has the Affordable Answer to Storing All Those Video Files

With metadata, 4K, and a growing number of formats, video files are taking more room than ever. Coraid offers a solution that grows with a company's needs.

Content Delivery Networks/CDN Companies and Suppliers