Content Protection > Featured Articles

If it’s premium content, it has to be protected, both to facilitate monetization and to thwart would-be pirates. Check here for the latest news, trends, and analysis of all manner of content protection

Streaming Media’s Trendsetting Products and Services of 2023

A detailed guide to Streaming Media's Trendsetting Products and Services of 2023.

The 2023 Streaming Media Europe 51

Our annual list of the most cutting-edge, influential, and dynamic technology companies in the European online video market.

Announcing the 2022 Streaming Media European Innovation Awards

We've renamed our annual readers' choice awards, but it's still the only awards programme in the industry that gives a voice to the people who matter most—the ones who actually use these products and services every day. We're now accepting nominations in 16 categories, until 24 June.

Blockchain and NFTs: Power to the Creators

Some say NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a novelty, a status symbol for the crypto rich, and a bubble that's bound to burst. Others argue that NFTs will fundamentally change business models in the creative industries. It's early days, but there's plenty of momentum behind NFTs and blockchain. Here's what you need to know.

The 2021 Streaming Media Europe Readers' Choice Award Winners

It's our biggest Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards competition in years. 16 categories. Almost 200 nominations. Nearly 10,000 votes. So who came out on top?

The Shortlist: 2021 European Readers' Choice Finalists

The votes are in, and we'll announce the winners in October. In the meantime, here's the list of the top three vote-getters in each of our 16 categories.

Vote Now in the 2021 Streaming Media Europe Readers' Choice Awards

Make your voice heard in the only online video industry awards selected by you—the people who use these products and services every day.

Nominate Now for the 2021 European Readers' Choice Awards

We're accepting nominations now in 16 categories for the only awards in the industry chosen by the people who actually use the products and services. Nominations close 19 July.

The Streaming Media Europe 101

Our annual list of the most innovative, influential, and interesting companies in the European online video market.

The Algorithm Series: Digital Rights Management (DRM)

The math behind the magic of protecting live and on-demand streaming video content

AV1 Has Arrived: Comparing Codecs from AOMedia, Visionular, and Intel/Netflix

Within 24 months, hardware support appeared, encoding became affordable, and AV1 became a much more realistic competitor to HEVC. Here's how the currently available AV1 codecs measure up.

Vote Now in the 2020 Streaming Media European Readers' Choice Awards

Cast your vote until 13 August in the only awards programme in our industry where the winners are chosen by the people who actually use their products and services.

The 2019 Streaming Media Europe Readers' Choice Award Winners

Who took home the prizes in the only awards program where the winners are chosen by the people who use the products and services every day? Read on!

The 2019 Streaming Media Europe 101

Our annual list of the most important, most innovative, and most interesting companies in the online video space

The Shortlist: 2019 European Readers' Choice Finalists

The votes are in, and we'll announce the winners in November. In the meantime, here's the list of the top three vote-getters in each of our 17 categories.

6 Things to Watch Out For at IBC

IBC 2019 kicks off on 13 September in Amsterdam, and here are some of the key things to see and do when it comes to the world of streaming media.

Readers' Choice Voting Deadline Extended Until August 23

It's time to cast your vote in the 10th-annual Readers' Choice Awards, the only awards program in the industry where the winners are picked by the people who actually use their products and services

Encoding & Transcoding 2018: Part 3

We wrap up our survey of the encding and transcoding landscape with looks at Verizon Digital Media Services, Media Excel, Comprimato, Elecard, Capella Systems, Epic Labs, EuclidIQ, and NGCodec.

Arqiva Urges the Industry to Join a Blockchain TV Pilot Project

The pilot begins next month, and its success could lead to longer-term explorations of ultra-local peer-to-peer video distribution.

The Time to Prepare for Recovery Is Before Video Files Go Missing

Accidentally deleted a crucial video file? The good news is it might still be recoverable. Here are steps to take for recovery and to prevent loss from happening in the future.