Legal Issues > Featured Articles

Whether it’s regulatory compliance, patent lawsuits, or copyright challenges, the online video industry sees its share of legal and government issues. We’ll keep you up to date here with the latest news.

Practical Approaches to Sustainable Streaming

In this article I'll expand on prior sustainability approaches, detail reasons to consider additional areas of power-consumption optimisation, and invite diverse stakeholders across streaming workflows to engage with Streaming Media magazine, GoS, and like-minded stakeholders in a mid- to late-2023 initiative around the LESS Accord, with an overall goal of readers recommending measurable best practices for consideration by September 2023.

Streamticker: The Biggest Streaming Media Mergers & Acquisitions of 2022

A look at the streaming industry's most notable mergers and acquisitions of 2022, from WarnerBros-Discovery to Microsoft/Activision to Limelight/Edgecast to Dolby/Millicast to Telestream/ and more

As Brexit Looms, UK Creative and Media Tech Industries at Risk

The UK's position as the leading international hub for global media groups is under threat as the prospect of a no-deal Brexit grows

Take Back Control of Content Rights with Forensic Watermarking

Forensic watermarking allows rights holders to ID pirates within 15 seconds of the content appearing on an illicit site or platform

Making the Case for Government-Mandated Online Video Standards

Will there ever be one ring to rule them all? it's time for the online video industry to take a page from TV and create interoperable standards.

Mayweather-Pacquiao Fight Exposes Video Piracy Problems

Live streaming apps Meerkat and Periscope got bad press for allowing the fight to be pirated, but the real culprits have been around for far longer.

Europe's Digital Single Market: Goldmine or Minefield?

The European Commission wants to introduce rules that will result in all European citizens being able to buy online content and services from any country. But do the proposals add up?

Net Neutrality Is Misguided, Because the Internet Doesn't Exist

While it's fashionable to announce oneself as being for Net Neutrality, our columnist argues that the idea is built on a fallacy.

Voddler's Disruptive Approach to Rights

Swedish-based VOD platform's ViewShare lets users share content from other download services. But is it legal? Voddler says "everything is in development."

Commentary—Ad Revenue, Distance Learning, and Piracy: Three White Elephants Waiting to be Shot Down

For too long, the viability of ad revenue-supported content, distance learning, and piracy prevention has gone unquestioned. That's because, once you dig a little deeper, you find that none of them work the way they're supposed to.

BT Ordered to Block Access to Piracy Search Engine

Newzbin2 is being shuttered, like the first Newzbin before it, but for different reasons.

Italy's AGCOM Moves to Regulate YouTube, Other Video Sites

"YouTube is like a TV" statement may bode ill for user-generated content sites that operate in Italy

YouTube: A Peek Inside

YouTube's European engineering director Oliver Heckmann will keynote Streaming Media Europe in London in October, and he offered us a preview of his behind-the-scenes talk

Closed Captioning for Online Video

As online video grows, many publishers are finding the need to provide the same kind of captioning as broadcast TV. Here's a look at some of the issues and technological solutions in the closed captioning arena.

Hitchhiker's Guide to Streaming Media: Service Level Agreements

Before you sign a service level agreement (SLA), be sure to read the fine print and understand the implications of the availability and support levels promised.
Tues., Nov.18, by Dom Robinson

Apple Settles Burst Lawsuit

$10 million settlement gives Burst second major out-of-court patent defense win in as many years.
Tues., Nov. 27, by Tim Siglin

BitTorrent's Gone Legit, But Still Faces Obstacles

As we lead up to one of Streaming Media West 2007's most anticipated keynotes—by BitTorrent President Ashwin Navin—we take a look at the company that's been both an innovator and a lightning rod for controversy.
Fri., Nov. 2, by Tim Siglin

Commentary--Viacom vs. GooTube: Napster All Over Again?

Viacom's lawsuit against Google and YouTube is no surprise. What is a surprise, though, is that those in the entertainment industry still don't seem to understand that content sharing helps them more than hurts them.
Mon., Mar. 26, by Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen

Digital Rights Management Takes Center Stage

From the unexpected—Steve Jobs coming out in favor of unprotected music—to the absurd—a man sued by the RIAA for downloading a paltry five songs—recent events highlight the fundamental problems with DRM.
Wed., Feb. 7, by Tim Siglin

Commentary: YouTube to Share Revenues—But With Whom?

YouTube's announcement that it will begin some sort of revenue-sharing program opens a Pandora’s Box of legal, ethical, and business questions.
Tues., Jan. 30, by Tim Siglin